
At the end of January, the association of sheet-metal workers, roofers and carpenters CR (KPT) awarded the prestigious CENA KPT 2016 prize in the following categories:

  • roofing
  • sheet-metalwork: new buildings and reconstructions
  • sheet-metalwork: façades
  • sheet-metalwork: towers
  • carpentry


Facade supplied by DEKMETAL was the winner of the sheet-metalwork – façades category.

It concerned the DEKCASSETTE LE façade system in the special NCS S-3055 B50G colour installed on a one-way substructure. The façade concept of the ERWIN JUNKER building is very specific. It incorporates structurally and architecturally interesting elements:

  • rounded corner of the building
  • round or slanted windows
  • bordering elements in a curve

Installation of such a complex system of details requires the rich experience of the installation company as well as accurate and professional measurement of the entire façade. The façade was implemented by the PARIO sheet-metalwork company, which provided professional installation and created complicated technical details in the highest quality. The ERWIN JUNKER building façade is an exceptional architectonic and implementing act because of the high-quality materials and professional execution, which was also appreciated by the KPT expert jury.ých technických detailů provedla v nejvyšší kvalitě. Fasáda společnosti ERWIN JUNKER je mimořádným architektonickým i realizačním počinem díky kvalitním materiálům a profesionálnímu provedení, což ocenila i odborná porota cechu KPT.

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